ClimatePartner GmbH

Demystifying BVCM: Strategies for Sustainable Businesses 

ClimatePartner Online Deep Dive

Date and time

18:00 CET
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Demystifying BVCM: Strategies for Sustainable Businesses 

Are you curious about if and how to implement beyond value chain mitigation (BVCM) strategies in your organization?

In today's world, taking meaningful and impactful climate action is paramount for many businesses. Our climate experts Gregg Demers, Jordan Stack, and Sofia Jonson Veloso will guide you through the most recent BVCM guidance from the Science-based Target Initiative (SBTi), as well as provide an update on the evolution of the voluntary carbon market and the new core carbon principles.

In our Deep Dive, our climate experts will aim to demystify BVCM, offering insights and steps tailored for business to be aligned to the latest guidance from SBTi.

By attending this presentation, you will be able to gain an understanding of tangible steps you can take to integrate BVCM into your company’s sustainability strategy. 

Here is a summary of subjects that will be discussed in this deep dive:
  • The business case for investing in climate projects beyond your value chain
  • How to integrate beyond value chain mitigation into our climate strategy
  • New standards for ensuring integrity in your investments
Your experts

Gregg Demers, Head of ClimatePartner USA

Jordan Stack, Carbon Markets & Renewable Energy Sales Manager

Sofia Jonson Veloso, Market Development & Innovation


1 hour

Contact for questions

This webinar is free to sign up for and participate in.

The ClimatePartner Online Deep Dives are aimed at representatives of companies. For this reason, we kindly ask for your understanding that we can only consider registrations made with a company email address.

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